
Galleria is an privacy-respecting Androidâ„¢ app for viewing on-device digital images/pictures with minimal distractions.

The app is gesture-driven, allowing you to quickly and simply navigate your image collections and zoom-in on important details. Choose from a variety of image transition effects, or use the slideshow mode to show-off your pictures to an audience.

Galleria respects your privacy. It never connects to the internet or stores any information outside of your device. It requires no special Androidâ„¢ permissions1, does not perform facial recognition, and is ad-free.

Galleria can display JPEG, PNG, and animated GIF images, and features a range of customisation options.

Galleria is currently undergoing final testing and will be released soon on Google Play. The product name may change.


1 The app can optionally access and display image location information, but this requires your explicit permission and is turned off by default.

Languages and Localisation

Galleria provides built-in support for English (US and UK), French, German, and Italian.

Support and Downloads

Privacy Policy
